Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 32 “cosMo”

1 · Eana Hufwe · Oct. 16, 2021, 7:04 p.m.
cosMo #vocaloid Expected solvable difficulty 3samples+: experienced solvers familiar with songs of cosMo keywords+: most solvers Level design Concluding the Vocaloid series is the second last question of the game, and also the hardest one. This question comes from arguably one of the most obscure knowledge in the entire game – lyrics of cosMo’s songs.… Continue reading Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 32 “cosMo” The post Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 32 “cosMo” appeared first on 1A23 Blog....