Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 27 “Google Ja. Apr. 1”

1 · Eana Hufwe · Oct. 11, 2021, 7:44 p.m.
Google Ja. Apr. 1 Expected solvable difficulty 1sample: experienced solvers knows past April Fools’ jokes from Google Japanese IME team 3samples: other experienced solvers keywords+: most solvers Level design This level was inspired by the past Google Japanese IME April Fools’ jokes. These are the jokes I’ve been watching every year until the pandemic stopped… Continue reading Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 27 “Google Ja. Apr. 1” The post Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 27 “Google Ja. Apr. 1” a...