Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 23 “Lì’fya leNa’vi”

1 · Eana Hufwe · Oct. 8, 2021, 12:04 a.m.
Lì’fya leNa’vi #lena’vi #conlang Expected solvable difficulty nohint+: experienced solvers keywords+: most solvers Level design The second question on Na’vi is to translate a sentence from Na’vi into English. Due to the nature of translation where multiple answers could be valid, the choice of sentences are thus limited to only famous and popular quotes. With… Continue reading Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 23 “Lì’fya leNa’vi” The post Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 23 “Lì’fya leNa’vi” appeare...