Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 15 “Hentaigana”

1 · Eana Hufwe · Sept. 26, 2021, 9:24 p.m.
Hentaigana #unicode #japanese Expected solvable difficulty nohint+: experienced solvers with Japanese proficiency keywords+: most solvers Level design This question has nothing to do with Hentai, pervert or anime. Hentaigana is a from of hiragana that was not standardized in the 1900 orthography reform of Japan. This set of characters, being relatively new in Unicode (version… Continue reading Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 15 “Hentaigana” The post Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 15 “Hentaigana...