Go Mummy - 24-May 2020 [devlog/go-mummy]

1 · Remy Sharp · May 24, 2020, midnight
I've managed to solve a number picking algorithm that I'm happy with the performance of in NextBASIC. It's a Fisher Yates sort, then picking the first 4 items (actually I cut the sort at the fourth iteration). #autoline 10,10 %N=20: ; select from 0-20 (excluding 20) %P=4: ; pick 4 numbers ; init the 0-N array REPEAT %S(i)=%i %i=%i+1 REPEAT UNTIL %i=N REPEAT %T=% RND i %W(N-i)=%S(T) %i=%i-1 %S(T)=%S(i) REPEAT UNTIL %i=(N-P) ; the picked results are stored in W Now I need to check thi...